Tempe Brennan Bundle at eReader
Kathy Reichs fans, take note: eReader is selling all 7 Tempe Brennan books for a bundle price of $29.95
It's a tie in promotion for the new series on Fox. But the blurb actually says, "With the power of eBooks, experience the exciting adventures of Kathy Reichs' beloved character without the TV show!" Good lord.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Al Gore Resced People In New Orleans - Where Was Bush?
Reported by CNN:
"KNOXVILLE, Tennessee (AP) -- Al Gore helped airlift some 270 Katrina evacuees on two private charters from New Orleans, acting at the urging of a doctor who saved the life of the former vice president's son...
"On September 1, three days after Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast, Simon learned that Dr. David Kline, a neurosurgeon who operated on Gore's son, Albert, after a life-threatening auto accident in 1989, was trying to get in touch with Gore. Kline was stranded with patients at Charity Hospital in New Orleans.
" 'The situation was dire and becoming worse by the minute -- food and water running out, no power, 4 feet of water surrounding the hospital and ... corpses outside,' Simon wrote.
"Gore responded immediately, telephoning Kline and agreeing to underwrite the $50,000 each for the two flights..."
Read the rest here
Then read about the Gretna sheriff, if you haven't already.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Farr Anderson Lane
Fictionwise is offering 15% off on all multi-format books this week. Here's one you might want to try:
Farr Anderson Lane by Kathleen Dale"
"Rachel's in a band. Di is a businesswoman. They couldn't be more different. Or could they? These two find out they have more in common than they thought, even while they argue and compromise and work together to find a place in their lives where they fit. An honest, true to life love story that's as easy to read as it is to enjoy."
$4.24 or $3.60 for Buywise Club Members
iSilo and iSiloX 4.28
iSilo and iSiloX 4.28 were released today.
Ink Gestures For Word
Loren, at Incremental Blogger, is creating the killer app for Tablet PCs: Ink Gestures for Word.
I bought a Tablet PC with the idea that it would be something more than a $3,000.00 scratch pad. So far, I have been very disappointed. Even when ink is integrated into an application, as it is in most of Office 2003, it is useless for any serious work.
Tablet evangelists will dispute that.
But, really, is the ability to annotate worth several thousand dollars if it isn't accompanied by the ability to edit? I say no. Marking up documents is cool, no doubt. But my ultimate reaction is, now what? I want not only to scribble in the margins - I want to edit the damn piece. And that's where Ink Gestures for Word comes in.
I can hardly wait until it's available.
(And why didn't Microsoft do this? Hell, I'd pay for it if they offered it as separate Office module.)
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
D*I*Y Planner
Sure - you don't need a paper planner anymore - you've got a PDA.
But didn't you get a PDA because you loved paper planners? Take a look at the site. It will make you nostalgic for pen and paper.
MindManager Map Viewers
This is cool -- Mindjet has released two new, free viewers for its MindManager Maps.
One is a stand alone viewer; the other is a (beta) browser plug-in.
Found via jkOn The Run
Monday, September 05, 2005
Get Linspire For free
Through tomorrow, Sept 6, you can download a free copy of Linspire directly from Linspire.com
The servers are very busy, so be persistent.
(Offer discovered through jkOn the Run) - an excellent site for Tablet PC news.